16 NYC Teachers Test Positive for COVID 19 As Schools Prepare To Open To Students In Less Than 2 Weeks

UFT President, Michael Mulgrew, announced today that 16 New York City teachers have tested positive for COVID-19. These teachers were checked prior to returning to school. However, most New York City teachers have not been tested at all, which opens the system up to widespread positive results when the schools open to students September 21.

The report states that the 16 positive results were spread across 16 NYC schools.

Mulgrew stated that his concern is the length of time that it took for the test results to come in. The results are supposed to take 24-48 hours, but Mulgrew told PIX 11, “the whole idea of our testing program is we have to have results within 24-48 hours. These tests happened last week, but we’re just getting the results now.”

Mulgrew told NBC, “if the city can’t live up to its side of this agreement then we’re going to say you can’t open.” This move would throw a wrench in Mayor DeBlasio’s plans to have the schools open to students by the announced date of September 21.

Although schools opened to teachers 2 days ago. no mandatory testing is required. Teachers only have their temperature checked upon entering their school and some schools have their teachers fill out a form via an app asking them questions about whether or not they traveled or if they have a temperature.  This should be a scary proposition for teachers and students alike, who do not have COVID-19.

Stay updated on school openings, UFT responses, COVID 19 cases in schools and DOE announcements on NYCEducationNews.com


Content Distributed by: NYC Newswire

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